Contingency Planning Continued

Contingency planning is a crucial process for a company; equally as important as inital strategic planning. When your company engages in contingency planning it pre-defines actions to take if a particular risk comes to fruition. As it is impossible to plan for every threat and unfortunate circumstance that can befall your company, contingency planning is free insurance for your company. Backing up important data, having individual project contingency reserves, and other activities that protect your company's interests are imperative to company success. Having a "Plan A" and "Plan B" but it's never a bad idea to have a "Plan C" through "Plan Z."

Don't Believe us Yet?

Read these informative articles below about Contingency Planning from leading business minds. We promise; they won't disappoint.

  • Forbes

    Forbes, a reputable business magazine, has an entire section of their website dedicated to Leadership and the topics that various, leading business minds wish they had known prior to making their climbs to the top of their fields. In the article "Why Accepting Failure As An Option Strengthens Strategic Planning," by George Bradt, he discusses why continency planning is imperative. He mentions that, "There are other cases where controlled failures can be managed – especially if you have contingency, back-up plans ready. Protecting against the downside frees you and your team to focus on the upside." You, your employees, and your company deserve the freedom to focus on every orject without having to worry about the "what ifs" of tomorrow. Let Unconfusing give your company peace of mind by engaging with us in contingency planning.

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  • Business Insider

    "These everyday disruptions could put your supply chain at risk" found on Business Insider breaks down multiple scenarios that can hit your company that are completely out of your control. Are you prepared for freak and destructive weather? Do you have a Plan B for waht happens if a "harsh flue season...keep[s] larger numbers of employees away from the office for days?" Not only does this article address some common negative circumstances, but it gives a step by step process on identifying possible risks and developing contingencies to mitigate them. Unconfusing Technology wants to make sure that no matter what strikes, your company is prepared for it.

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  • Wealth Management

    "If you have no plan for the continuity of your business, 'then you really have no business, you have a lifestyle,' Wealth Management quotes Joe Duran of United Capital Financial Partners LLC in Newport Beach, CA, and he says it best. Your company can't function under the false sense of secutrity that nothing bad will ever befall it. While Unconfusing would never have ill-wishes toward a company, we have seen bad things happen to good people far too many times not appreciate the sancity of contingency planning.

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