IT Management

We want to be your complete service provider for all your IT Needs. We offer a huge range of services from software to hardware to maintenence and repair, phone service, security consulting, and website and app programming.

Total Technology Management Solutions

Unconfusing Technology wants to partner with your organization to achieve a seemless operation with your technology and/or information technology (IT). So often, there is a disconnect between devices or a confusion over who is managing what service. We want to help your company make good decisions and good investments in decisions by advising you on what technology to invest in and which you can do without.

We want to partner directly with you to manage all of your technology needs, regardless of the system. We can't do everything, but we do want to understand your business and make sure that decisions you make to invest in technology are good investments that match your company's goals. This ensures your organization has a seemless integration across all systems you use or need. Make one phone call to us and we will take care of the other relationships for you. Together, we can tie together your iPads talk to your business email, save you money on your expensive phone systems, and keep your network operational all the time.

Remote and On-site Support!

We support networks, surveillance systems, servers, and workstations in a variety of fields and industries. We try to set you up so that we can reduce any downtime by helping immediately by remote access when possible, but we always have the option of assisting you on-site. Read More.

IT Infrastructure Plan

Unconfusing can also help you design and implement a total IT package and help you plan for the future growth of your organization. Read More.