Take a Screenshot

Screenshots are often useful for reporting issues to IT staff or just to document something on your screen!

If you are using an interface or operating system other than Windows, check this link to show how to make a screenshot on just about everything!

How to take a screenshot of your Windows computer

Screenshots are often the quickest way to get assistance from us. Please send a screenshot of error messages or key settings when submitting a ticket, if applicable.

unconfusing print screen key

1. Locate the Print Screen key on your keyboard. This could be abbreviated as PRT SCR.

On most keyboards, this key is near the top right of the keyboard and is often near F12 or the delete key.

On laptop keyboards, you may have to press a FUNCTION or FN key to select the print screen function on a shared key.

2. Once you have pressed the print screen key, an image of your desktop is actually saved in memory in the clipboard.

3. You can now use the PASTE function to paste your screenshot into the body of an email, word document, or graphics program.

Saving an image into Paint

Windows has a built-in program called Paint that can be used to save images.

unconfusing locating the paint program unconfusing opening the paint program

1. Click the start button and type in paint in the searchbox.

2. Click Paint to open the program from the results list.

unconfusing paint program open

3. Once Paint is open, you'll see a blank canvas.

unconfusing paste into paint

4. Click the PASTE button to have your screenshot dropped into the canvas.

unconfusing paint save as

5. Click the top left dark blue icon.

6. Select Save As > JPEG picture.

unconfusing paint screenshot

7. Save the image with a filename you can recognize in a location you can find - we recommend Desktop or My Pictures.

8. Attach the file you saved in step 7 to your support ticket email.

As always, if you have questions, let us know. We are here to help!

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