
Mozilla's free, open-source email program, used to communicate and manage multiple email accounts, feeds, calendars and contacts.

Thunderbird Installation Tutorial

The following steps will walk you through how to install the Thunderbird email client.

thunderbird intall step 1

1. Go to the URL below to download Thunderbird.

thunderbird install step 2

2. Click Next.

Run the downloaded setup file, and you should see this screen.

thunderbird install step 3

3. If you agree to their terms, please click Next.

thunderbird instal step 4 and 5

4. Just use the standard configuration, unless you are familiar with this process and wish to change it.

5. Click Next.

thunderbird install step 6 and 7

6. If you haven't changed anything, your screen should look like this.

7. Click Next.

thunderbird install finish

That's it! Click Finish.

We have a tutorial on how to setup Thunderbird also.

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